Ascend is a puzzle platformer where the player loops through seasons, making their way upwards to find their lost red balloon.

WASD or Arrow Keys to move, up or space to jump.

  • Something that happens in one season can have an effect in another season *

You can jump on colored platforms and colored branches
You can climb vines and icicles
You can jump while climbing
You can stand on bubbles for a second or two before they pop

Let us know what you think, how you did, and anything else! We love to hear any feedback :)

Made for Ludum Dare 47, "Stuck in a Loop" 

You can try the desktop version if you want fullscreen or better performance.

Alt f4 to quit the desktop version

In case you get stuck, here is a video walkthrough, but I recommend trying the puzzles yourself first!


Download 38 MB

Install instructions

for the desktop download: unzip, and then run Ascend.exe

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